Oi oi!
As you are all well aware by now, the chaps from the home of fine Internet flatulence (Note - That's a great tag line for a poster! Liquid Inspiration Podcast - Listen for the belches, stay for the bitter anti-Ryan Estes rhetoric" - C.J) took a trip to The Midlands to drop in on two of our favourite peoples Christopher D Bate and Kylie Posnett. We love Chris & Kylie and when Chris was last on the show via Skype he was bloody brilliant! A true gent in every sense of the word. We had known that this was a trip worth making the effort for and we both felt like it was something that really should have happened by now.

However, these guys live pretty far away from our normal recording haunts.
It made the road trip a little trickier than the previous romps around Kent that we've done in the past. Luckily we found and downloaded this handy map as not to get lost:
(Clicky for bigger)

So we packed up the Nissan minge and headed north west to record a show that did not disappoint any of our preconceived notions of awesomeness!
It was a show so bloody good it was too awesome to release as just one session. We've managed so far to bring you all just the very first part of the night spent drinking, laughing, swearing and eating curry (A fucking handsome curry! - C.J) with our pals in the glourious city of Wolverhampton. So, seeing as you are doubtless to be chomping at the proverbial podcasting bit for Session 103 - Chris-mas (Part 2) *SPECIAL* by now you might want to wet your whistle with the video teaser for the aforementioned session below.
We'd like to take this chance to thank once more our gracious guest hosts Chris and Kylie for lending us their time, flat, jokes, DAB radio, zoo based anecdotes and electric frying pan.
You guys fucking rock!
C.J & Daz

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